
Customizing Your Ring Doorbell: A Step-by-Step Guide to How To Change Ring Doorbell Sound

Why there is a need to change Ring Doorbell?

Enhanced Doorbell Experience with Ring: The Ring doorbell, a nifty electronic gadget, enhances your home security effortlessly. Whenever a visitor approaches, it emits a pleasant audio ring, ensuring you’re always aware of who’s at the door. Surprisingly, many users overlook the bell’s replay sound, a feature that reassures you of its functionality. However, its repetitive and sometimes overly loud nature can be confusing and bothersome. To maximize your Ring doorbell experience, explore its settings and customize the sound to suit your preferences. Enjoy the convenience of knowing when someone’s at your door without the unnecessary noise hassle.

Is the doorbell volume bothering you? Don’t worry, let’s fix it! If you’re searching for the volume control, start by looking for the switch – it might already be turned off. However, if you’re away from home, you won’t be able to change the doorbell ring tone. No need to stress though, we’ve got solutions! If the noise is too much, consider reducing the volume or exploring other options to minimize the sound. You can even tweak the pitch of the chime to find a tone that suits you better. Your Ring Doorbell experience is in your hands – adjust it to your liking!

Is the sound of the Ring doorbell can be changed?

Did you know that the Ring doorbell officially doesn’t allow you to customize its tone? With new competitors entering the market, it’s worth considering the need for such a feature. Despite numerous customer requests, Ring hasn’t made any moves to implement this change in their system by the end of 2019. Living in close quarters, like a condo, can make the sound of outdoor bells a bit disorienting. To address this, simply check your phone notifications when you hear outdoor noises. Interestingly, you can even choose to silence alarms if you find them disruptive.

To avoid unnecessary confusion, consider adjusting the pitch of your outdoor bell. Although it may go against the law, there is an alternative way to tackle this issue. Keep in mind that the outdoor bell must be completely turned off before applying any solution. Stay tuned for possible updates from Ring that could make your living space even more user-friendly.

Top 2 Ways to change Ring Doorbell Sound

1. Using an external Echo’s chime sounds

When the volume on your Ring doorbell is turned down and your Echo is set up to play the doorbell sound you wish to hear, the only thing you need to check is that your Echo is programmed to play a chime whenever the doorbell is touched.

How to change the sound by using this method?

  • Open the Alexa mobile application on your device.
  • Navigate to the main menu and select “Devices.”
  • Locate your smart doorbell under the “Cameras” menu option (Note: Alexa currently categorizes smart doorbells as cameras).
  • Click on “Announcement devices,” and then double-click on your outdoor Echo device until a checkmark appears next to it.

Once these steps are completed, your outdoor Echo will play a selected sound every time the doorbell is pressed. This feature enhances your overall experience by allowing you to customize the sound, providing an improvement over relying solely on the default Ring doorbell sound.

2. Change the Ring Chime

Enhance your Ring doorbell experience with the versatile and user-friendly Ring Chime. Serving as a speaker for all your Ring-connected devices, this sleek device allows you to customize and amplify the sounds that matter to you, whether it’s inside or outside your home.

One of the standout features of Ring Chime is its ability to let you decide where your doorbell sound resonates. Even if you don’t have a conventional doorbell, you can set up the Ring Chime to sound wherever suits you best. No more limitations – it’s your call.

Tailor your auditory experience by downloading and playing chimes from our extensive tone library. With Ring Chime, you’re not confined to a default chime – you have the power to choose the one that resonates with your style and preferences. Personalizing your Ring gadgets has never been this easy.

Practicality meets simplicity with the Ring Chime. Unlike other complex devices, this gadget is a breeze to use. No need for intricate steps or technical know-how. Just plug it into an available outdoor socket, and you’re good to go.

However, be mindful that having an outdoor socket is a prerequisite for using the Ring Chime. For those without an existing exterior socket, this may pose a slight inconvenience. Ensure that the socket is discreetly placed to prevent theft and unwanted attention.

Once set up, the Ring Chime grants you the freedom to select your preferred tone from a diverse library of chime tones. Elevate your home security with a device that not only functions seamlessly but also adds a touch of personalization to your daily life.

How to change the sound by using this method?

  • The Ring app on your phone should be opened.
  • Pick the ring-chime thing.
  • When you pick the chime tone, a list of the available tones will show up.
  • You can hear each tone and choose the one you like best.
  • Using the volume slider controls, you can change how loud the sound is.

How to Turn off the Sound of Ring Doorbell?

The outside bell sound on the Ring doorbell is optional and can be turned off if desired. People’s opinions vary on whether or not they think the raspy tone is necessary.

There are a few things you can do to put an end to the noise:

  • First, open the Ring app on your mobile device.
  • Find the choice to sound the doorbell.
  • You can pick from a variety of options. configuration settings menu item.
  • After you’ve done that, a new slide will open up that you may use to adjust the doorbell’s tone volume.
  • If you don’t want to hear the doorbell ring, you can turn it down to zero using the slider.


Although these workarounds may not represent a direct in-device customization feature, they serve as practical solutions for individuals seeking a more tailored auditory experience. As technological advancements continue, it’s advisable to explore third-party alternatives and remain attentive to potential updates from Ring that might introduce enhanced sound customization features in the future.


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Blogger,Content Writer & Digital Creator- [Sribana] is a writer passionate about navigating the ever-changing intersection of technology, business, and personal growth. With a keen eye for trends and a knack for breaking down complex topics, she helps readers leverage the power of tech to thrive in their careers and unlock their full potential.